
Word Pinyin English Lesson
à ah,oh 7
爸爸 bàba dad 2
bǎi hundred 8
拜拜 báibái bye-bye 11
bàn to do 13
bàn half 11
帮助 bāngzhù to help 13
bào newspaper 10
包裹 bāoguǒ parcel 14
包括 bāokuò to include 13
抱歉 bàoqiàn to feel sorry, sorry 6
北京 běijīng Beijing 9
bēi cup of 10
杯子 bēizi cup, glass 10
běn measure word for books and notebooks 10
本子 běnzi notebook 10
pen 10
biàn number of times (of action) 6
biǎo watch 11
no, not 2
不好意思 bùhǎoyìsi to feel embarrassed 14
不用 búyòng need not 5
参加 cānjiā to participate, to attend 9
餐厅 cāntīng restaurant 5
厕所 cèsuǒ toilet 13
céng floor 5
chá tea 9
chà to be short of, to lack 11
cháng often 10
常常 chángcháng often 10
唱歌 chànggē to sing (a song) 11
chē car, vehicle 8
chī to eat 9
吃饭 chīfàn to eat (a meal) 13
出生 chūshēng to be born 9
厨房 chúfáng kitchen 13
穿 chuān to wear 12
春节 chūnjié the spring festival 14
词典 cídiǎn dictionary 8
打电话 dǎdiànhuà to make a phone call 13
打工 dǎgōng to have a part-time job 14
打球 dǎqiú to play ball 6
打扫 dǎsǎo to clean 14
big, large 8
大便 dàbiàn stool 12
打的 dǎdī to take a taxi 11
蛋糕 dàngāo cake 9
当然 dāngrán of course 8
dào to arrive 11
打针 dǎzhēn to have an injection 12
to have, to get 13
de possessive particle 4
děng to wait 13
弟弟 dìdi younger brother 2
点(钟) diǎn(zhōng) o'clock 11
电话 diànhuà telephone, phone call 13
电脑 diànnǎo computer 8
电视 diànshì TV 14
电影 diànyǐng movie 13
东西 dōngxi things, objects 11
dōu all, both 2
锻炼 duànliàn to exercise 12
duì right, correct 14
对不起 duìbùqǐ I'm sorry 5
多大 duōdà how old 9
多少 duōshao how much, how many 8
duō many, much 8
肚子 dùzi abdomen, stomach 12
er two 5
发烧 fāshāo to have a fever 12
发炎 fāyán inflamed 12
房子 fángzi house 13
房租 fángzū rent (for housing) 13
fēn minute 11
分(钱) fēn(qián) cent 10
fèn measure word for publications such as newspapers 10
复活节 fùhuójié Easter 14
复习 fùxí to review 14
感恩节 ganenjie Thanksgiving Day 14
感冒 gǎnmào to have a cold 12
刚才 gāngcái just now 14
高兴 gāoxìng happy, pleased 4
告诉 gàosu to tell 13
哥哥 gēge older brother 2
a measure word for general use 8
gěi to give 10
gěi to, for 12
gēn with, to follow 10
工程师 gōngchéngshī engineer 8
工作 gōngzuò work, to work 8
公司 gōngsī company 13
gǒu dog 8
姑娘 gūniang girl 13
挂号 guàhào to register (at a hospital, etc.) 12
光盘 guāngpán CD 10
guì expensive, precious 10
贵姓 guìxìng what is your surname? 4
guó country, nation 3
guò to spend (time), to celebrate (a birthday, a holiday) 14
hái also, in addition 8
还是 háishì or 12
孩子 háizi child 8
汉堡 hànbǎo hamburger 9
汉语 hànyǔ Chinese language 4
汉字 Hànzì Chinese character 11
hǎo good, well, fine, OK 1
hào number 5
to drink 2
and 8
hěn very 1
合适 héshì suitable 13
红葡萄酒 hóngpútaojiǔ red wine 9
化学 huàxué chemistry 7
化验 huàyàn to have a medical test 12
huí to return 11
回答 huídá to answer 11
回信 huíxìn reply, to reply 13
how many, how much 8
记者 jìzhě reporter 4
to post, to mail 14
加拿大 jiānádà Canada 4
jiā family, home 8
jiān a measure word for room, house, etc. 13
jiàn piece (measure word) 13
jiào to be called 4
jiào to teach 11
教授 jiàoshòu professor 7
教育 jiàoyù education 7
jié festival 14
姐姐 jiějie older sister 8
介绍 jièshào to present 7
今年 jīnnián this year 9
nián year 9
今天 jīntiān today 6
jīn measure word of weight, equal to 500g 10
jìn to enter 5
进来 jìnlai to come in 4
经济 jīngjì economics 7
京剧 jīngjù Beijing Opera 6
经理 jīnglǐ manager 13
惊喜 jīngxǐ pleasant surprise 14
聚会 jùhuì get-together, party 9
咖啡 kāfēi coffee 2
开车 kāichē to drive a car 11
开刀 kāidāo to have an operation 12
开学 kāixué to start school 7
kàn to watch, to look at 7
看病 kànbìng to see a doctor 12
烤鸭 kǎoyā roast duck 9
可爱 kěài lovely, cute 8
可能 kěnéng maybe 13
可是 kěshì but 13
quarter (of an hour) 11
class, lesson 9
可乐 kělè coke 9
客厅 kètīng living room 13
课文 kèwén text 14
恐怕 kǒngpà to be afraid that, perhaps 6
kǒu a measure word mainly for the number of people in a family 8
口语 kǒuyǔ spoken language 14
块(钱) kuài(qián) measure word of basic Chinese monetary unit, dollar 10
快乐 kuàilè happy 9
lái to come 4
老师 lǎoshī teacher 3
lěng cold 12
礼物 lǐwù gift, present 11
练习 liànxí to practice, to exercise 14
凉快 liángkuai cool 12
líng zero 5
líng zero 5
历史 lìshǐ history 7
留学生 liúxuéshēng student studying abroad, international student 14
lóu building 14
luàn in a mess 14
律师 lǜshī lawyer 8
旅行 lǚxing to travel 14
妈妈 māma mom 2
ma interrogative particle for questions 1
mǎi to buy 9
mài to sell 10
máng busy 2
毛(钱) mao(qian) dime 10
méi not 8
没关系 méiguānxi never mind, it doesn't matter 5
měi every, each 12
美国 měiguó United States 4
美术 měishù fine arts 7
妹妹 mèimei younger sister 8
men plural 2
米饭 mǐfàn cooked rice 9
面包 miànbāo bread 9
名片 míngpiàn name card 7
名字 míngzi name 7
明天 míngtiān tomorrow 6
which 3
哪儿 nǎr where 5
哪里 nǎlǐ where, no 5
that 3
那儿 nàr there 10
那里 nàlǐ there 10
奶奶 nǎinai paternal grandmother 3
nán man, male 2
nán difficult 11
南方 nánfāng south 14
ne modal particle for eliptical questions 1
néng can, be able to 11
you 1
你们 nǐmen you (plural) 6
niàn to read 14
nín you (polite form) 3
牛奶 niúnǎi milk 9
woman, female 5
欧洲 ōuzhōu Europe 14
朋友 péngyǒu friend 2
啤酒 píjiǔ beer 9
便宜 piányi cheap, inexpensive 10
漂亮 piàoliang pretty, beautiful, nice 9
píng bottle 9
苹果 píngguǒ apple 10
葡萄 pútao grape 10
起床 qǐchuáng to get up 11
qián money 10
qiǎo coincidental 13
qíng sunny 13
qǐng please 4
请问 qǐngwèn Excuse me, ... 4
to go 6
全身 quánshēn all over (the body) 12
ràng to let, to allow, to make 13
hot 12
热狗 règǒu hotdog 9
热心 rèxīn enthusiastic 13
rén person, people 3
认识 rènshi to know (someone) 4
日记 rìjì diary 14
容易 róngyì easy 10
散步 sànbù to take a walk, to walk 13
嗓子 sǎngzi throat 12
商场 shāngchǎng market, bazaar, shopping mall 10
上海 shànghǎi Shanghai 14
上课 shàngkè to go to class 11
上午 shàngwǔ morning 9
shéi who, whom 3
身体 shēntǐ body, health 12
什么 shénme what 4
生词 shēngcí new word 14
圣诞老人 shèngdànlǎorén Santa Claus 14
生活 shēnghuó life 12
生日 shēngrì birthday 9
师傅 shīfu master worker 10
时候 shíhou time, moment 6
时间 shíjiān time 6
事儿 shìr matter, affair, thing 13
shì to be 3
售货员 shòuhuòyuán shop assistant, salesperson 10
寿面 shòumiàn (birthday) longevity noodles 9
shū book 10
书店 shūdiàn bookstore 10
舒服 shūfu comfortable 12
shǔ to be born in the year of 9
书房 shūfáng a study 13
数学 shùxué mathematics 7
shuǐ water 12
shuì to sleep 11
水电费 shuǐdiànfèi utility 13
睡觉 shuìjiào to sleep 11
shuō to speak, to say 6
司机 sījī driver 11
four 5
sòng to give (as a present) 10
宿舍 sùshè dorm 5
suì years old 9
岁数 suìshu years (age) 11
孙女儿 sūnnür granddaughter on son's side 11
他们 tāmen they, them 2
he, him 2
she, her 3
tài too much 6
tào suite 13
téng painful 12
体育馆 tǐyùguǎn gym 10
tiān day 6
天气 tiānqì weather 6
跳舞 tiàowǔ to dance 11
听说 tīngshuō to be told 13
tóu head 12
外公 wàigōng maternal grandfather 8
外国 wàiguó foreign country 8
外婆 wàipó maternal grandmother 3
外语 wàiyǔ foreign language 3
玩儿 wánr to have fun, to play 11
wǎn late 5
晚上 wǎnshàng evening, night 11
为什么 wèishénme why 11
wèi a polite measure word for person 13
wèi hello, hey 13
文化 wénhuà culture 7
文学 wénxué literature 7
wèn to ask 7
问题 wèntí question 11
I, me 1
我们 wǒmen we, us 2
卧室 wòshì bedroom 13
物理 wùlǐ physics 7
西药 xīyào Western medicine 12
to wash 14
喜欢 xǐhuān to like, to prefer 8
faculty, department 7
西餐 xīcān Western food 9
吸烟 xīyān to smoke 11
系主任 xìzhǔrèn chairman of the department 8
下课 xiàkè to get out of class, to finish class 11
下午 xiàwǔ afternoon 9
先生 xiānsheng Mr. 4
现在 xiànzài now 6
香蕉苹果 xiāngjiāopíngguǒ apple with a banana taste 10
香蕉 xiāngjiāo banana 10
xiǎng to want to do sth., to think, to miss 12
xiǎo small, little 8
小姐 xiǎojiě Miss, young lady 5
小便 xiǎobiàn urine 12
xiě to write 11
xiě blood 12
谢谢 xièxie to thank 5
xīn new 13
星期 xīngqī week 9
星期日 xīngqīrì Sunday 9
星期天 xīngqītiān Sunday 9
xíng to be OK 6
xìng surname 4
休息 xiūxi to take a rest 12
选修 xuǎnxiū to take an elective course 7
雪碧 xuěbì Sprite 9
学生 xuésheng student 4
学习 xuéxí to study, to learn 4
学院 xuéyuàn institute, university, school 4
tooth 12
yào medicine 12
yào to want 2
also, too 1
爷爷 yéye paternal grandfather 8
(一)点儿 (yì)diǎnr a little bit 11
一共 yígòng altogether 8
一起 yìqǐ together 12
一下 yíxià indicates a short, quick, random action 7
衣服 yīfu clothes 12
医生 yīshēng doctor 3
医院 yīyuàn hospital 12
音乐 yīnyuè music 7
应该 yīnggāi should, ought to 11
英国 yīngguó England 4
英文 yīngwén English 12
英语 yīngyǔ English language 11
邮局 yóujú post office 14
游泳 yóuyǒng to swim 6
yǒu to have 6
有点儿 yǒudiǎnr somewhat, rather, a bit 12
有名 yǒumíng famous 10
有意思 yǒuyìsi interesting 6
语法 yǔfǎ grammar 14
语言 yǔyán language 4
yuán same as 块, but used in written language 10
元旦 yuándàn New Year's Day 14
愿意 yuanyi to be willing to do sth. 12
再见 zàijiàn goodbye 5
zài again 9
zài to be, in, on, at 5
zāng dirty 14
怎么 zěnme how 10
怎么样 zěnmeyàng how is it? 6
zhāng measure word for flat objects 8
zhǎo to look for 13
找(钱) zhǎo(qián) to give change 10
照片 zhàopiàn picture, photo 8
zhè this 3
哲学 zhéxué philosophy 7
这儿 zhèr here 5
zhēn really, real 8
整理 zhěnglǐ to put in order, to arrange, to sort out 14
zhī measure word for stick-like things such as pens 10
知道 zhīdào to know 5
中餐 zhōngcān Chinese food 9
中国 zhōngguó China 3
中文 zhōngwén Chinese language 7
中午 zhōngwǔ noon 14
中学 zhōngxué middle school 14
中药 zhōngyào traditional Chinese medicine 12
住院 zhùyuàn to be in the hospital, to be hospitalized 12
zhù to live, to stay 14
祝贺 zhùhè to congratulate 9
zhù to wish 9
助教 zhùjiào teaching assistant 8
专业 zhuānyè major, specialty 7
to rent 13
昨天 zuótiān yesterday 6
zuò to sit 5
zuò to do, to make 8
作家 zuòjiā writer 10
服务生 fúwùsheng waiter 15
牛肉 niúròu beef 15
汉堡包 hànbǎobāo burger 15
起士 qǐshì cheese 15
薯条 shǔtiáo french fries 15
水果 shuǐguǒ fruit 15
沙拉 shālā salad 15
miàn noodles 15
duck 15
dàn egg 15
huì meeting 15
chū go out 15
age, old 15
xià under 15
shàng over 15
单身 dānshēn single 15
已婚 yǐhūn married 15
residence, house 15
分居 fēnjū separate housing 15
分开 fēnkāi to separate 15
妻子 qīzi wife 15
鳏夫 guānfū single man, bachelor 15
丈夫 zhàngfu husband 15
寡妇 guǎfù widow 15
黑寡妇 hēiguǎfù black widow 15
市场 shìchǎng market 15
yíng to manage 15
xiāo sale 15
父亲 fùqīn father 15
母亲 mǔqīn mother 15
父母 fùmǔ parents 15
已经 yǐjīng already 15
退休 tuìxiū to retire 15
shǎo a little 15
wài foreign 15
我想... wǒxiǎng I would like..., I think... 15
甜点 tiándiǎn dessert 15
tián sweet 15
diǎn point 15
布丁 bùdīng pudding 15
杯子蛋糕 bēizidàngāo cupcake 15
gāo cake 15
māo cat 15
zhī animal classifier 15
bái white 15
hēi black 15
liǎng two 15
ài to love 15
kuài fast 15
wèi because 15
因为 yīnwèi because 15
踢足球 tīzúqiú play football 15
kick 15
foot 15
足球 zúqiú football 15
可是 kěshì but 15
高尔夫球 gāoěrfūqiú golf 15
好喝 hǎohē tasty 15
什么时候 shénmeshíhòu when? 15
to play 15
qiú ball 15
网球 wǎngqiú tennis 15
wǎng net 15
上网 shàngwǎng to surf the web 15
网上 wǎngshàng in the internet 15
打网球 dǎwǎngqiú to play tennis 15
bào to hug 15
qiàn apologize 15
星巴克 xīngbākè Starbucks 15
巧克力 qiǎokèlì chocolate 15
意思 yìsi meaning, to mean 15
táng sugar 15
德国 déguó Germany 15
virtue 15
巴西 bāxī Brazil 15
但是 dànshì but 15
那么 nàme so 15
马上 mǎshàng right away 15
意大利 yìdàlì Italy 15
医院 yīyuàn hospital 15
cān meal 15
吃早餐 chīzǎocān to have breakfast 15
吃中餐 chīzhōngcān to have lunch 15
吃午餐 chīwǔcān to have lunch 15
吃晚餐 chīwǎncān to have dinner 15
tīng hall 15
不客气 bùkèqì you're welcome 15
太太 tàitai wife 15
法国 fǎguó France 15
law 15
太...了 tài...le exclamatory expression 15
西班牙 xībānyá Spain 15
西班牙语 xībānyáyǔ Spanish language 15
西班牙文 xībānyáwén Spanish language 15
果汁 guǒzhī juice 15
guǒ fruit 15
zhī juice 15
三明治 sānmíngzhì sandwich 15
汽水 qìshuǐ soda 15
gas 15
language 15
英语 yīngyǔ English language 15
měi beauty 15
阿根廷 āgēntíng Argentina 15
英国 yīngguó England 15
红茶 hóngchá black tea 15
jiā to add 15
niú cow 15
nǎi milk 15
红酒 hóngjiǔ red wine 15
hóng red 15
zhōng center 15
wén writing 15
happy 15
没有 méiyǒu to not have 15
jiǔ alcoholic drink 15
guì expensive, honorable 15
很高兴认识你 hěngāoxìngrènshinǐ nice to meet you 15
认识你很高兴 rènshinǐhěngāoxìng nice to meet you 15
gāo tall 15
kāi to start 15
xué to study, to learn 15
time 15
下次 xiàcì next time 15
再一次 zàiyīcì once again 15
air, energy 15
男朋友 nánpéngyǒu boyfriend 15
女朋友 nǚpéngyǒu girlfriend 15
yàng form, way 15
wáng king 15
她们 tāmen they 15
几月 jǐyuè what month? 15
几号 jǐhào what day? 15
几月几号 jǐyuèjǐhào what date? 15
星期几 xīngqījǐ what weekday? 15
xīng star 15
period 15
星期一 xīngqīyī Monday 15
星期二 xīngqīèr Tuesday 15
星期三 xīngqīsān Wednesday 15
星期四 xīngqīsì Thursday 15
星期五 xīngqīwǔ Friday 15
星期六 xīngqīliù Saturday 15
jīn this, present 15
好不好 hǎobùhǎo null 15
还可以 háikěyǐ acceptable 15
hái still 15
可以 kěyǐ to be able to 15
马马虎虎 mǎmǎhūhū so so 15
tiger 15
horse 15
明天见 míngtiānjiàn see you tomorrow 15
míng shining 15
我是 wǒshì I am 15
不错 bùcuò not bad 15
cuò bad 15
我的 wǒde my 15
早上好 zǎoshànghǎo good morning 15
下午好 xiàwǔhǎo good afternoon 15
晚上好 wǎnshànghǎo good evening 15
早上 zǎoshàng morning 15
shēng to be born 15
zǎo early 15
你呢 nǐne and you? 15
day 15
yuè month 15
一月 yīyuè January 15
二月 èryuè February 15
三月 sānyuè March 15
四月 sìyuè April 15
五月 wǔyuè May 15
六月 liùyuè June 15
七月 qīyuè July 15
八月 bāyuè August 15
九月 jiǔyuè September 15
十月 shíyuè October 15
十一月 shíyīyuè November 15
十二月 shíèryuè December 15
你好吗 nǐhǎoma How are you? 15
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